Monday, June 25, 2007

Term Test Texts

I emailed you all the texts on PDF format. Let me know if you had trouble opening it! AND I've just found the way to turn the texts into a Word Doc and am emailing them on this format that you all will be able to open for sure! Best luck tomorrow!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Stem Cell Research in the news

In today's New York Times, there's an article and an editorial about this issue. I especially recommend the editorial. It's a good follow-up to the radio program we listened to in class. Click on the title to go to the editorial!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

We'll produce news!

As discussed yesterday, here are the brief notes you sent me of our brainstorming session on Tuesday. I wanted to mention the idea of having an editor per class, i.e. one for each level, 7th through 2nd Polimodal. They would be collecting texts and keeping the journalist's eye on the news! Besides, anyone from school would be welcome.

Another idea: a cell-phone picture contest: "Life at San Patricio" i.e. snapshots of moments in our school that portray who we are on a daily basis. Let's talk to owners or Parents Association or authorities or ANYONE who can provide the awards for the winners. Hey, let me know what you think of this! (leave comments!)

Also, YOU, the editors-in-chief and top journalists, need to start carrying your digital cameras and getting snapshots for the school blog.

Let me propose we start the blog right away. And when we come back from break, we make the official announcement with advertising campaign and sponsors, etc. etc. I know that some, if not ALL, of you have some great material ready for publication. I need to hear from you, your response, your proposals, your ideas/initiatives, etc. I'll be looking forward to it!


We could post:

  • Interviews
  • Research Projects (like the one we are doing at school for garbage treatment).
  • Reviews on Books, Movies, events, etc.
  • Polls
  • Maps (including transportation to certain places).
  • Literature, creative writing pieces
  • News:
    • Global
    • Argentina
    • Tucumán – Yerba Buena
    • School:
      1. School week (Sports, Choreographies, etc)
      2. School trips
      3. Ceremonies
      4. Calendar
      5. School life

Friday, June 8, 2007

We're news!

Check out the article that Luciana Poliche wrote about our use of blogs! She was here last Wednesday and today she published her report on, a news website from Tucuman. She also has a blog, Click HERE and/or HERE to go to the article! Thank you, Luciana!